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Veterans Day Celebration

Friday, November 11, 2022

At 10:30 a.m. music will be played and coffee and cookies will be served.  The Floyd Norgaard Cultural Center will be exhibiting a display of Fred Pilkington and his time in the Battle of the Bulge. Local Hero Quilters will be there with some samples of their work.   Brick order forms for the Veterans Wall will be available. Solemn, The Drums Thrill, Essays of the Fallen Heroes of Stanwood Camano: World War I to Afghanistan and other books will be for sale.  At 11:11, we will announce the posting of the U.S. Flag, followed by the playing of the National Anthem and God Bless America.  At 11:15, Richard Hanks will talk about Edwin P. Lund. After the program the Floyd Norgaard Cultural Center will remain open until 12:30 p.m. to get a book signed, see the displays, visit the veterans exhibit upstairs, tour the Veterans Memorial or just sit and listen to music.

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